Spray Of Milkweed Seeds About To Launch

I happen to catch a large area of milkweed plants whose seed pods were dried enough to launch their contents. The large silky spray of seeds were just ready to leave this pod. The photo was taken on a windy fall day – it was quite challenging to stop action on this subject while it was within lens center!

Milkweed seeds - this image is protected by copyright - see "about" for possible use information

Virginia Ctenucha Moth On A Milkweed Bloom

A Virginia Ctenucha Moth was discovered on a Milkweed bloom. Many thanks to the “Bug Man” for identifying this critter. If you have interest in learning more about this winged fellow – you can read about him here.

Bug on a Milkweed - Photo is copyrighted - see "about" for possible use

Bold and Beautiful Hydrangea Bloom in Purple Tones

This bold and beautiful Hydrangea bloom stood out from its surrounding green foliage. It has purple tones come from being in alkaline soil. Their beauty is weighed with the fact that they contain cyanogenic glycosides or more commonly referred to as the poison cyanide and would be harmful to anyone or animal who consumed any part of the plant or flower.

Hydrangea Flower - This photo is copyrighted see "about" for use information